in areas that we believe many of our peers or other market participants ignore due to size, liquidity constraints, or complexity. It is our strongly held conviction that investing throughout various economic cycles leads to greater investment success than trying to time the market.
We embrace complexity, seeking to extract value where others lack the expertise or willingness to engage. This typically results in less competitive situations and greater risk-reward outcomes. As we seek to invest, we may examine opportunities through an environmental, social, and governance lens.
As experts focused on various market segments, we have invested over $62 billion since inception utilizing a consistent and repeatable process developed over 30 years of investing, focusing on our three core tenets
Emphasis on limiting downside risk while targeting equity-like returns
Significant experience and expertise in complex legal and restructuring processes, which typically serve as an entry point for Monarch
Involvement in significant negotiations, other legal processes, or other value enhancing events in the life of the investment
As a result of our flexible mandate and deep sourcing capabilities, we are able to deploy capital where we see the best opportunities around the globe. Since 2008, we have actively deployed several billion dollars annually on average, capitalizing on dislocation across many market segments. Our “all-weather” approach allows us to be nimble investors, giving us the flexibility to invest in what we believe to be the most attractive situations in any given market cycle. We focus on overlooked and niche areas worldwide, including mid-sized corporate capital structures, real estate, government debt, structured credit, and special situations.
Deep network of relationships with key market participants nurtured over nearly three decades
“Bottom-up” basis for investing vs. broad view of market factors
Seek to be active in investments with significant influence or control in the process or the company
Navigate various geographies, jurisdictions, and industries while willing to be a first mover in new market segments
Seek to reduce risk through focus on diversification, expertise, and downside protection
Deep network of relationships with key market participants nurtured over nearly three decades
“Bottom-up” basis for investing vs. broad view of market factors
Seek to be active in investments with significant influence or control in the process or the company
Navigate various geographies, jurisdictions, and industries while willing to be a first mover in new market segments
Seek to reduce risk through focus on diversification, expertise, and downside protection